Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First day of Skool

So today was my first day at the Willem de Kooning Academie. After moving into my apartment at about 1am last night I finally got to bed around 2:30 am and was really happy when I woke up this morning at 8am even thought I set my alarm for 7am. Un-showered but otherwise fine, I walked to class because my bike was still over at the hotel. I get to room 105 or whatever and there is no one there! Luckily another girl was there looking just as confused as I was so she called a classmate who told us that class was canceled for some reason and that we didn't have to be back until 11. So I thought, great! I can grab my bike and take a shower! which I did, but when I came back at 11 I found out that the teacher did wind up having class, it just started late. It wasn't a problem though luckily, and the girl felt bad about it so she wrote down my assignment for the next class in english for me (which was super sweet b/c it totally wasn't her fault).

My experimental typography class was all in Dutch so I just tried to absorb and decode. My typography teacher spoke english for me in his class, even though he said he is not all that great at it (which he was) so I really appreciated the help. Tomorrow should be the same... mostly Dutch but some English.

All the students were really nice and welcoming and seemed pretty interested in talking with me. Looking forward to tomorrow! ... and sleep :)

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