So! I have completed my first week here at the de Kooning Academie. Things really couldn't have been much better unless, of course, I could speak Dutch. :) I really love my courses and think that I am starting right where I left off at BU, meaning that my courses are more advanced here and cover new topics. Typography, Experimental Type, Image Theory, some other theory courses, Software (where I'll be doing web design), and Graphic Design are the classes I am enrolled in. All of my professors are incredibly passionate about what they do and are very nice and have been helping me out with the language. Some are speaking English when they can and others are working with me separately.
The students have also all been really great! We have all the same classes together so it's been easy to get to know everyone, and they have been helping me out with everything I need from the assignments to where I can buy the cheapest coat hangers for my apartment. Everyone is genuinely interested in me, so I feel really welcomed and enjoy answering questions like "so was high school for you like it is in the movies?" Haha! Everyone is around 23 years old, some older and some younger, and pretty much everyone attended another school for design after high school (kind of like the equivalent of trade school for us but different) so we are all very much on the same level in terms of our design education. Most of us went out for drinks after class on Friday and they also want to arrange a dinner next week to welcome me ... so nice!
I really enjoy the city so far! I've made some friends outside of school and went with a girl to see the Wailers the other night at the WATT, which was a ton of fun. I just keep biking around (workin' those thighs!) and checking out the plethora of shops. There is an English speaking bikram yoga class that I signed up for and I absolutely love it. Best classes I've ever had.
Things are great, but the assignments have snow balled already so I will be really busy soon! I'll try to post about the projects I am working on. Find me on Skype to say hello and distract me momentarily!! My account is: kgroener.
"back to school... back to school... to prove to dad that I'm not a fool... I got my lunch packed up... my boots tied tight... I hope I don't get in a fight oooohhhhh back to school... back to school...." ~billy madison